Lead Generation 36:12:3


Unleash your productivity power through the daily discipline of lead generation.

Success begins with the Power of One, a precise focus on what matters most for your business – lead generation.  This course teaches you how to close at least 36 transactions in 12 months by developing and maintaining a habit of 3 hours a day of lead generation.

Lead Generation 36:12:3 builds on the principles and practices of KWU’s foundational course, CAMP 4:4:3, and is specifically designed for someone in the growth stage of their career – closing at least 16 transactions per year.

Course outline:

  • Introduction: The Power of One
  • Session 1: Building Validity & Positioning
  • Session 2: Prospecting
  • Session 3: Marketing
  • Session 4: Leveraging a Powerful Contact Database
  • Session 5: Working with Mets
  • Session 6: Farming
  • Session 7: Open Houses
  • Session 8: FSBOs & Expired Listings
  • Session 9: Agent-to-Agent Referrals
  • Session 10: Lead Conversion
  • Session 11: Living Your Goals
36:12:3 Schedule
Click the link below to check for the 36:12:3 Schedule
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Participant Module

Introduction: The Power of One
Session 1: Building Validity & Positioning
Session 2: Prospecting
Session 3: Marketing
Session 4: Leveraging a Powerful Contact Database
Session 5: Working with Mets
Session 6: Farming
Session 7: Open Houses
Session 8: FSBOs & Expired Listings
Session 9: Agent-to-Agent Referrals
Session 10: Lead Conversion
Session 11: Living Your Goals

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